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The company Spravbytherm s.r.o. provides production and supply of heat in the City of Kežmarok, management of residential and non-residential premises. He is the successor of the contributory organization of the Municipal Housing Enterprise. Spravbytherm s.r.o. is a municipal company with a 100% share of the City of Kežmarok.

Our main priority is the constant expansion of our market position, the satisfaction of our customers and tenants, purchase and modernization of technologies.


Kontaktujte nás denne od 05:00 do 21:00.

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Stránkové dni

Pondelok06.30 - 12.00 h
13.00 - 14.30 h
Streda06.30 - 12.00 h
13.00 - 14.30 h
Piatok06.30 - 12.00 h

Mimo uvedených hodín po telefonickej dohode kedykoľvek

Kde nás nájdete?
Starý trh 518/47, 060 01 Kežmarok

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